Thursday, July 28, 2011

Jonathan Kozol: Education in America (4 of 6)

Finding the secret unlock a student's motivation (5:25 - 5:35)


  1. Thanks for posting that. I love Kozol's work. His books are hard to read (and I don't mean in terms of level of reading) because they remind us of is going on in so many schools.

  2. Hi Professor Pusch:

    Thank your for your return commentary. I agree with you that Jonathan Kozol's work is rough reading. His work highlights the brutal,lived reality of many urban youth. Yet, also within his work Kozol always remembers to share with readers the humanity of the students that he writes about. As he states in the video, many of the very young students are still very innocent and are very loving and welcoming to all people; thus, Kozol believes that America as a nation that proclaims itself to be a just society, has a social responsibility to the above young students. In this respect, I am in 100% agreement with Mr. Kozol.


  3. Oh, did you know that Jonathan Kozol is a participant in the Save Our Schools reform effort? Not surprising huh?

  4. Hi Yin:

    Good morning! Thank you for your return comments. No, I did not know that Jonathan Kozol was part of the Save Our Schools reform effort. To be honest, I did not know about this reform effort or the rally that occurred on Saturday, July 30, 2011. I do not know how I missed this important event. Was it advised By the SU's School of Education or Project Advance?


  5. Guess how I found out? :) Through Matt Damon's involvement in it, you know, he of Good Will Hunting fame? Celebrities can use their fame for laudable purposes:

  6. Hi Yin:

    Wow! Go Matt Damon! I love him. He is one of few celebrities that actually puts his money where his mouth is. The video posting does not have Matt Damon's speech because the creators explained that they were feeling the heat, low on money, and out of time(train to return home was scheduled to leave). The short clips from the various speakers are great. I liked when one speaker (I think it was Professor Kuh)proclaimed, "I Will Not Race To The TOP!!!!" --- LOL....that was just classic!

